Auction: Dutch (Enchère Hollandaise)


Un système d'offre unique simultanée dans lequel la mise est à un prix élevé, puis est graduellement baissée par le commissaire-priseur ou tout autre mécanisme de contrôle jusqu'à ce qu'un joueur accepte le prix en cours et interrompt du même coup l'enchère. Une enchère hollandaise est aussi appelée offre en une mise, cette particularité fait que l'enchère ne supporte qu'une seule proposition d'un soumissionaire. A simultaneous single-bid system in which the lot starts at a very high price, and then is gradually decreased by the auctioneer or other controlling mechanism, until someone agrees to claim the item at its current price, ending the auction. The first bidder to accept the current price is the winner, such that there are no ties. A Dutch Auction is sometimes also called a one-bid auction because of this feature that the first bid made is also the only bid in the auction. The purest implementation of this is Merchants of Amsterdam, which features a spring-load mechanism that gradually reduces the price until someone hits it, winning the bid. This category also includes the mechanism where items slide down a track, with the cost decreasing as it does so. This is a much more common implementation, and includes games such as Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization. (cf.BGG)

Auction: Dutch (Enchère Hollandaise). Mécanisme

Les jeux de Auction: Dutch (Enchère Hollandaise) sur LAD

Concordia Venus

Concordia Venus

Through the Ages-l'Histoire Vous Appartient

Through the Ages-l'Histoire Vous Appartient
