L'augmentation automatique d'une ressource déclenchée par un état de jeu particulier, conditionnel, déterministe (non aléatoire). The automatic increase of a resource triggered by a particular, conditional, deterministic (not random) game state. Example 1. Unacquired resources in Agricola: - Uncollected wood from the wood-collection action space (condition) will offer +1 wood (result) on the following round (game state). Example 2. Acquired resources in Agricola: - Two pigs in your farm, in an area with space enough for 3 pigs (condition) will automatically produce a 3rd pig(result) during the breeding phase of that round (game state). Example 3: Counter-example in Monopoly: - Collect $200 (result) when passing “GO” (game state). - There is no condition (ex: if you own 1 or more properties) Example 4: Counter-example in Jaipur: - Draw 1 card (result) at the beginning of your turn (game state). - There is no condition (ex: if you have less than 1 card in your hand). Examples 3 & 4 would be considered examples of the “income” mechanism.
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